Dear all,
As we discussed in previous meetings, we have created a one-page document that summarizes the functionalities and the added value of the 3 existing authoring tools (ChoiCo, MaLT2 and SorBET). It was designed to address mainly teachers and educators, but also other people who want to have a first idea of the project technologies.  We tried to make it more attractive than a simple text document ☺

Feel free to distribute it to teachers that will design and implement interventions (WP3), teachers in professional development (WP6) or any other interested stakeholder. 🙂

I will also upload it in the drive in the WP4 folder (technologies)

Best wishes,
Marianthi Grizioti (PhD)
Post-doc researcher & software developer
Department of Educational Studies
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece