Goodmorning everyone,

I hope you are all doing well!

We wanted to share with you the following updates regarding this year's interventions (WP5):

First of all, as agreed during our meeting in Dublin, here you can find the extended technologies organized into three tiers based on their readiness levels.

Here you can find the activity plan template for this year. For this cycle, it would be necessary to have the activity plans finalized by the end of the year. When your activity plan is finalized, you can upload it here. Please, include the intervention code in the title of the document (f.e NTNU0301, where 03 stands for the 3rd year and 01, 02 etc. for the first, second etc. intervention of the year). 

Finally, please do not forget to update this table with information regarding interventions so that we can keep track of our numbers.

Thank you all,

Best regards,

Christina & Marianthi

Christina Gkreka (PhD)
Educational Technology Lab (ETL)
Department of Educational Studies
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece