Date: Monday, 8 April 2024 at 16:26
Subject: Announcement presidency conference #StrongerTogether: SSAH and the future of EIPM


Dear Coordinators and Project managers,


Please see below the announcement of a Conference from the Belgian Presidency on Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities and the future of Informed Policy Making on 6th and 7th May in Tervuren, Belgium.


Many thanks for passing it along to your stakeholders,

Best regards,




We would like to inform you that the registration for the #StrongerTogether : SSAH and the future of evidence-informed policymaking conference of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, supported by Cluster 2 of the Horizon Europe Research Programme, is now open!


The conference, which will take place in the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervuren on 6 and 7 May, is one of the most important expert level conferences of the Belgian Presidency. The aim of the conference is to bring together policymakers, SSAH scientists and science brokers  (from government and from academia, managing data and/or knowledge) and have a dialogue about how to integrate further the diverse expertise from the arts, the social sciences and the humanities into the production of evidence for the benefit of policy makers and society.


Through keynote speeches, presentation of case studies by experts and, most importantly, interactive debates in thematic parallel sessions, participants to the conference will have the unique opportunity to discuss a more efficient SSAH contribution to evidence-informed policymaking ecosystems in Europe.


In order to truly have an interactive conference, the number of places is limited to 120+ participants. The registration is based on a first come first served basis. We have pre-booked facilities to people travelling from abroad to have a nice experience of this conference.


Information about the conference: #StrongerTogether : SSAH and the future of evidence-informed policymaking (


Registration and agenda: Calendar of Belspo meetings | Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union | Belspo


We would be grateful if you could distribute this mail among your networks and stakeholders.


Kind regards,

Programme Manager

Coordinator programme “Science 4 Policy”-“federal research Programme Drugs”
DG Research and Space - Service Programmes de Recherches> | Dienst Onderzoeksprogramma’s
Politique scientifique fédérale (BELSPO), Bd Simon Bolivar 30, bte 7 - 1000 Bruxelles |
Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid (BELSPO), Simon Bolivarlaan 30, bus 7 - 1000 Brussel •

T. +32 (0)2 238 36 46 • •