Dear All


The deliverables due at M25 (30 September 2024) have been submitted today.


It would be good to go through these before the meeting in Dublin next week.

You can download them from the links below.


WP4: Shaping Technologies

D4.3_DT Platform, LA, AR, and 3D Printing Technologies for DT2_2nd Report


WP7: Evaluation

D7.2_Cycle 2 Evaluation Report

D7.2_Cycle 2 Evaluation Report_Appendixes A-Q


If you have any related queries, you may contact Alisa, Jake or Richie who are cc’ed in on this email.


Marcelo and I are looking forward to seeing many of you next week.

Safe travels if you are travelling to Dublin, and wishing everyone a very good w/e!



Shamim Patel (ACA)

Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project


Linnæus University

Office of External Relations

SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden

M: +46 (0)705 898396 |
