Dear All
You may have received a notification on the portal that D5.3 has been rejected.
This was a request from our side to the EC because we needed to make
changes to its Appendixes*, following the discussion at the August OMT meeting.
Thank you to Marinathi, for following through on this:
“”The changes are based on
information received from each
about publication of Activity Plans. All teachers
agreed for the Activity Plans to be published. Some of them are anonymized, some include the name of the teachers as authors or other information as required”.
Re, D5.3:
I have updated our PO, that:
Following the requested “rejection” from our side, attached is the replacement document that has been now uploaded on the portal.
Reference to the Appendixes, which needed changing in the main D5.3 Report, are on pp 5, 15 and 25.
Please note due to the size of the main D5.3 Report (> 50 MB) and its Appendixes, neither could be uploaded on the portal. Instead, the short document with links was uploaded.
We should aim to avoid this with our remaining deliverables.
Best regards,
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 |