Hi Benny,
We don’t have a poster advertising the project.
Yet we have a one-pager inviting teachers to take part in the project and also the master slidedeck with logos you could use to create a poster if you like.
Slidedeck in WP8:
Teacher invitation – see last slide:
Benny Malengier via Extendt2_all <extendt2_all@lists.sunet.se>
Date: Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 12:30
To: extendt2_all@lists.sunet.se <extendt2_all@lists.sunet.se>
Subject: [Extendt2_all] folder or banner
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I will be at a meeting with EU teachers. Is there a folder or banner or poster on the project available somewhere? I looked in WP8, but found only the presentation.
In case there is no folder/poster at this moment, did anybody already create some material for use at these type of activities?