Hi all,

See e-mail below from our PO. It could be of interest to
some of you. Have a nice afternoon.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Consultation on AI Act prohibitions and AI system definition
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 11:40:59 +0000
From: FUENTES MATEOS Angel <Angel.FUENTES-MATEOS@ec.europa.eu>
To: sotiris.athanassopoulos@maggioli.gr <sotiris.athanassopoulos@maggioli.gr>, marcelo.milrad@lnu.se <marcelo.milrad@lnu.se>, shamim.patel@lnu.se <shamim.patel@lnu.se>, remolar@uji.es <remolar@uji.es>, Tae Eun Kim <tae.e.kim@uit.no>, EDMONDJ@tcd.ie <EDMONDJ@tcd.ie>

This month in FET: news about the Quantum Flagship, launch of the STARTS Prize, HPC strategy, video on Graphene, ERA-net funding opportunities and forthcoming events

Dear coordinators,


Please see below. I think that this would be a useful consultation to contribute to from your projects and clusters.


Best regards,


From: Connect Newsroom <cnect-newsroom@ec.europa.eu>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 5:03 PM
Subject: Shaping Europe's Digital Future website updates 13/11/2024





Shaping Europe's Digital Future website updates

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Press releases

Commission launches consultation on AI Act prohibitions and AI system definition

Today, the Commission’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Office is launching a targeted stakeholders consultation process on the future guidelines on the AI system definition and the implementation of AI practices that pose unacceptable risks under the AI Act.





Consultation on AI Act prohibitions and AI system definition

This is a targeted stakeholders consultation process on the future guidelines on the AI system definition and the implementation of AI practices that pose unacceptable risks under the AI Act.








Results of the stakeholder consultation for the interim evaluation of Digital Europe Programme

The public stakeholder consultation for the interim evaluation of Digital Europe Programme (‘DIGITAL’) has been a success, engaging 790 stakeholders from across the EU and beyond.




This is an update from the Newsroom of the Shaping Europe's Digital Future website.

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