Dear all,


Thank you for today’s meeting. Please see a few notes below. As next week several of us will be otherwise engaged on Tuesday next week’s meeting will take place on Wednesday afternoon at 15:00 CET. I will follow this with a booking for that meeting.


Best regards,






  1. Time is now really short and we all need to actively contribute to the different parts to make sure that the proposal is finalised in time.
  2. You will find an Excel document with two sheets in our google drive, where one sheet provides an overview of our 15 projects and the other a plan of action for the weeks that remain before submission.
  3. Please view both sheets
    1. On the sheet for Action plan see what you are requested to contribute with this week
    2. On the Project overview sheet see what is missing (marked with yellow highlight) and complete, also address the questions in the column called “TO DO LIST – Questions”
  4. I have also created a document elaborating on the tasks for WK 44 and have answered a question that arose about sections 4-7 of Part B document.
  5. Regarding the question that arose about home and host institutions, there is no mention of the term “home” institution in the template and it seems that the term host is used in connection to both the beneficiaries and the secondment and the meaning needs to be understood in context. For example see below:



For beneficiaries:  [In my interpretation, the host below refers to the beneficiary.]


Beneficiary Legal Name:

General Description

Short description of the activities relevant to the action

Role and Commitment of key persons (including supervisors)

Including names, title and the intended extent of involvement in the action (in percentage of full-time employment) of the key scientific staff who will be involved in the research, training and supervision

Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment

Outline the key facilities and infrastructure available and demonstrate that each team has sufficient capacity to host and/or offer a suitable environment for supervising the research and training of the recruited researchers



Table 3.1 f                           Individual Research Projects


If applicable and relevant, linkages between the individual research projects and the work packages should be summarised here (one table /fellow). [In the case of below, I interpret the Host institution to be the beneficiary and ‘Planned secondment Host’ to refer to the secondment.]


Fellow (e.g. researcher 1)

Host institution

PhD enrolment*

Start date (e.g. Month 6)

Duration  (e.g. 36 months)

Deliverables (refer to numbers in table 3.1b)







Project Title and Work Package(s) to which it is related:


Expected Results:

Planned secondment(s): Host, supervisor,  timing, length and purpose

* Enrolment in Doctoral degree(s):

DN-JD specific: institutions where the researcher will be enrolled to obtain a joint/double or multiple doctoral degree should be included

DN and DN-ID: institution where the researcher will be enrolled to obtain a doctoral degree should be included