Dear all,


Södertörn University has announced the opening of five positions of Associate Senior lecturer (webpage with an overview of all vacant positions).


For more details about each, please visit the following webpage:

  1. Associate Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science, specialising in climate and/or environmental change in the Baltic Sea region and/or Eastern Europe             Deadline: 31/01/2023
  2. Associate Senior Lecturer in Social Work specialising in Police Studies    Deadline: 31/01/2023
  3. Associate Senior Lecturer in social and economic sustainability   Deadline: 31/01/2023
  4. Associate Senior Lecturer in History/History of Ideas       Deadline: 31/12/2022
  5. Associate Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies      Deadline: 31/01/2023


Please help us to reach out and spread the information in your relevant networks and circles.



With kind regards,






Med vänliga hälsningar / With kind regards,



Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)

+46 (0)8 608 5143


Alfred Nobels Allé 7
141 89 Huddinge


If you have received an e-mail from me outside of your regular business hours, I am not expecting you to read or respond unless it is urgent.


Om du fick detta mejl från mig utanför dina vanliga kontorstider så det förväntas inte att du varken läser eller besvarar detta om du inte anser att det är brådskande.





När du skickar e-post till Södertörns högskola innebär detta att Södertörns högskola kommer att behandla dina personuppgifter. Du kan läsa mer om hur Södertörns högskola behandlar personuppgifter här. E-post skickad till och från Södertörns högskola kan betraktas som allmän och offentlig handling.


Sending an e-mail to Södertörn University will result in Södertörn University processing your personal data. More information about how Södertörn University processes personal data is available here. E-mail correspondence with Södertörn University may be classified as official and public documents.