Dear colleagues,
The 19th EAHIL Conference will take place in the beautiful city of Riga, Latvia, 11-14
June, 2024. The venue will be the Castle of Light, the National Library of Latvia, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The conference theme, "Small Step and a Giant Leap: Reorienting Towards a New Environment", encourages libraries to adapt and thrive amidst continual evolution, encompassing both incremental changes and significant advancements.
We have a full programme
of oral presentations, posters, interactive workshops and continuing education courses about:
In-Person Experience:
Experience the energy and excitement of EAHIL 2024 first-hand by attending in person. Engage with speakers, take part in interactive sessions and network with fellow delegates
in a vibrant and inspiring atmosphere.
Online Experience:
Unable to attend in person? No problem! Join us virtually from the comfort of your home or office. Online participation gives you access to live-streamed sessions, virtual
networking opportunities and interactive Q&A sessions.
Earlybird registration ends on 2 April - for more detail on fees and registration process, please see
We look forward to seeing you in Riga, whether in person or online!
On behalf of
EAHIL 2024 Local Organising Committee and International Programme Committee
Lotta Haglund | Avdelningschef Bibliotek, IKT, registratur och arkiv | EAHIL President 2023-2024
Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH
Lidingövägen 1
Box 5626
114 86 Stockholm
Direkt 08 120 538 04
Växel 08 120 537 00
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