Vi känner vid det här laget väl till hur högern högljutt censurerar böcker på bibliotek
Fenomenet finns även i Storbritannien Där kommercensurerkrav ur ett vänsterperspektiv

ur artikeln

Children's novels and literary classics are among books which have been removed
 from libraries in the UK after just one complaint by members of the public, it has emerged.

At least 16 books have so far been torn from shelves - while dozens more complaints 
have flooded in besides, some of which cited the promotion of diversity and inclusion to 
children as an example of why certain content wasn't permissible.

några exempel

Another in Coventry successfully petitioned for the removal of Verne's "Five Weeks in a Balloon" - 
the story of a 4,000-mile trip across Africa - owing to its "inappropriate and racist language".
Verne's novel drew ire from the customer for its use of the phrase "beastly n******s" - which the
 complainant found inappropriate due to the library's place in a "multi-ethnic population".

And in Edinburgh, all copies of Chris Claremont's Marvel comic "The Uncanny X-Men: The Trial of Magneto" 
were removed from public view after just one parent complained over the "use of the n-word" inside.

And Louise Cooke, Loughborough University's emeritus professor of of information and knowledge 
management, said: "I think that the main difference is that it's [banning books is] much more covert in the
UK than in America.
"In America, it's a huge public issue and sometimes you even wonder if it is actually happening a lot more 
in the US or whether there is just a lot more awareness of it."

Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek